Fundamental of Computer
What is a Computer?
Parts of a Computer
Hardware and Software
Input Devices
Out Put Devices
The Keyboard
Storage Device
Types of Computer
Generation of Computer
Computer Languages and its Types
Operating System
Security and Antivirus
Desktop, Icons, Files
Drive and Folder
Screen Saver
Working with Files
Start Button, All programs
Notepad, WordPad, Calculator
Changing Date and Time of a Computer
Address Book
Windows Media Player
Playing Songs and Videos
Sound recorder
Use of Pen drive
Optical Drive- CD, DVD, Blue Ray
Recycle Bin
Windows Explorer
Keyboard Shortcuts
Application Soft wares
Starting a Program
Playing Games.
What is Internet?
Microsoft Office Word
Starting to use Microsoft Word
The Office Button
Saving MS Word documents
Bold, Italic, Underline
Case Changing, Highlighting
Selecting text
The Clipboard, Copy, Paste and Cut
Aligning Text, Indenting Paragraphs
Applying Bullets and Numbering list.
Finding and replacing text
Paper size and Page Orientation
Spell checking a document
The Microsoft Word Screen
Creating a new document
Font Type, Font Size
Subscript and Superscript
Font Color, Removing formatting
Inserting, deleting, undo and redo
Paragraph formatting
Applying single or double line spacing
Adding Borders and Shading
Page Formatting
Page Margin, Page number, Headers and Footers.
Spell checking a document
Printing a document
Printing options
Printing only odd or even pages
Previewing and Printing a document
Creating a Table
Mail Merge33View Tab
Working with Images, Shapes, Chart and ClipArt
Auto Correct
Customize Toolbar
Keyboard Shortcuts
Using Help within MS Word
To encrypt your file and set a password to open it
Microsoft Office Eccel
Starting to use Microsoft Excel
The Microsoft Excel Screen
The Office Button
Creating a new document
Saving MS Excel documents
Column, Row, Cell, Cell Address
Text Formatting
Entering, Modifying and Deleting Data
Cell reference
Formulas & Functions
Sum, Subtraction, multiplication and Division Functions
Min, Max, Average, If & or Functions
Conditional Formatting
Percentage Calculation
Data Validation
Group, Ungroup and Sub total
Working with Sheet & Work book
Paste Special
Resize Columns and rows
Protect Sheet and Protect Workbook
Text & Date Functions
Data Entry
Freeze Panes
Round, Count, Now, Sort, Power Functions
Upper, Lower, Proper Functions
Linking Sheets
Auto Sum
Edit Custom Lists
Absolute Values
Print Titles
Other Functions
View Tabs
Print Preview and Printing Basics
To encrypt your file and set a password to open it.
Microsoft Office Power Point Presentation
Starting to use Microsoft PowerPoint
The Microsoft PowerPoint Screen
The Office Button
Creating and Saving Presentation
New Slide
Inserting Text, Text Box & Symbols
Formatting Text
Viewing a Presentation
Inserting Clip Art, Shapes and Pictures
Grouping Objects
Flipping and Rotating Objects
Inserting a Chart
Applying a Transaction Effect
Modifying an Animation Effect
Previewing a Transaction or Animation Effect
Inserting Sound and Movie
Designing Slide Show
Working with Slides
Inserting Word Art
Custom Animation
Slide with Multimedia
Setting up a Slide Show
Print Preview and Printing Basics.